Thursday, June 1, 2017

June TBR and Goals for the Month | 2017

Let's give this ago shall we. Been wanting to start up my blog again for a while. But I kept pushing it back for some unknown reason. So I am finally here (again) hoping to be more consistent here and what other way to start up again with a TBR. So here is my TBR for the month of June 2017.

Giving my self a low goal of 4 books. Hoping to at least finish one a month. I may read more but my goal is to read these books at least. I thing it's manageable. 

The Drawing of the Three Finding Mr. Brightside Chasing Cars and the Lessons We Learned: A Paper Planes Standalone Romance Nailbiter, Vol. 6: The Bloody Truth 
1. The Drawing of the Three by Stephen King
2. Finding Mr. Brightside by Jay Clark
3. Chasing Cars and Lessons We Learned by Mindy Hayes and Michele G. Miller
4. Nailbiter Vol. 6 by Joshua Williamson

Other than these books I am hoping to continue my re-read of It by Stephen King. Would like to finish this beast before the movie is release. It was something that I wanted to do for The Dark Tower series, but I don't think it would be something possible. With my on and of reading.

Along with reading I would like watch a few films. Been obsessing with spreadsheets and made a huge list of films, shows, and podcast I would like to tackle. So much goals but I am just taking it one step at a time.


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Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Melody located in Southern California. I hope that you enjoy my thoughts on things I love. Hopefully I can introduce you to new books, movies, comics, and shows. Thank you for dropping by.

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The Living Dead
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