Tuesday, August 22, 2017

Supernatural Re-Watch | Post #6: Bloody Mary 1x05

It's been a while. After returning back from San Diego Comic Con my schedule ended up being all over the place. I didn't ended up getting back into the swing of things until this month (Yeah I know It's been almost over a month since SDCC). But hoping to getting back into swings and watching as much of Supernatural as I can. Let's begin. 

Bloody Mary 1x05 

Got to love urban legends. Children will never learn. Leave it to them to conjure unwanted guess. It's insane how young they look. How time has fly. It's been over 10 years and the show still connects with people.

The sound department is awesome. I always love the creaking sound of the impala it always brings her to life. It's funny how easily they can get the information from the morgue and the victims houses. One other thing that also has changed a lot from season one is the acting from the guess star actors the acting has been cliche from the early 2000s and some 90s. 

The emotions of watching again Sam go through the lost of Jessica. 

YES! It's awesome when they do the pop culture references of the time. 

"Do I love like Paris Hilton", Dean

This show one time liners are always the best and Dean's timing is perfection. It's crazy how Jensen's voice is so different now. There something about the earlier seasons. It feels like he wasn't really forcing his voice like he is now. Or maybe his voice just changed. LOL 

The timing is always horrible for the boys and brother always comes to the rescue. 

Dean: Sammy?.. 
Sam: It's Sam... 

Dean: This got to be 600 years bad luck. 

Oh boy, you don't even know the half of it with the bad luck. On top of that the secrets you guys keep from each other. I always wonder in this episode what Dean felt guilty about. Maybe it was all the people he couldn't save. 

Great episode. Something I did like about the earlier episodes was all the urban legend stories they used. 


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