Sunday, August 31, 2014

Doctor Who Review - 8x02 "Into the Dalek"

Directed by Ben Wheathley and written by Phil Ford & Steven Moffat 

The episode starts a little confusing for me (but what doctor who episode doesn’t). We end up realizing that it’s a war against the Daleks and the Doctor ends up getting involved.

As a whole episode it was interesting. The whole episode became the question of what is good and what is evil, also if something evil can be good. The episode was too similar to past episodes for my liking. I wish that it had been something more on it’s own. Don’t get me wrong I do like when shows do reference to past episodes, but this one was a little too much. There were a couple of references to the First Doctor, to the Nine Doctor, and to Eleven also.

In this episode we did get introduce to a new character Pink. The ex-soldier. I am interested to see where this character goes. However, I didn’t like that he was immediately paired up with Clara. It would be nice to just have characters that are friends in the show and not love interest.

Capaldi Doctor is looking to be a lot darker, which I like a lot. I am intrigue to see where that is taken. It’s something different from the current doctors that we have seen.  

The lady that keeps appearing in “heaven” is creepy. I am interested to see where that leads.

Overall I did enjoy the episode as it was but didn’t really love it. I thought a lot of the lines where force. They didn’t seem to come out naturally. I think I just need to get use to the new Doctor.

I give this episode 3/5 Tardis.

Saturday, August 30, 2014

Welcome to Mel Just Reads

Hey guys! My name is Melody and welcome to my little piece of the internet. Hopefully it's an interesting place for you guys to visit. I have been wanting to create a blog for a while now, but I never actually motivated my self to actually taking my time and creating it. I have change that now. I have create this little blog to express my thoughts on books, movie, and shows that I love. Also, hopefully sharing with you illustrations that I create.

This place still has a little work to be done so be patient with me. Hopefully, you will like it as it all comes together. There maybe changes here and there but hopefully not a lot.

About Me

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. My name is Melody located in Southern California. I hope that you enjoy my thoughts on things I love. Hopefully I can introduce you to new books, movies, comics, and shows. Thank you for dropping by.

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The Living Dead
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