These are the books I will hopefully be reading this week.

1984 is my pick for this weeks classic for
#linseyalong , I love the idea of this. Because we get to choose the book we only have a goal to read a certain theme during the week. This is a book I have had in my shelf for a couple of years now and wish to finish it soon.

I hope that I can tackle some of Alcatraz by Brandon Sanderson. I don't think I will complete this book this week. I would just like to read as much as I can. I would like to take my time reading this book. I am currently really enjoying it. Maybe I will be able to finish one or two books in Omnibus since it consist of four books.
I am hoping to get through the rest of The Maze Runner series by James Dashner before the second movie in the series is release. I am hoping to tackle some of it this week. I am not sure if I will be able to finish these books apart from the other books that I hope to read. But if I am not able to read them I will be trying to read them next week also.

Lastly, I am hoping to try and finish all the volumes I have of Y the last Man by Brian K Vaughan. I am currently in volume 6 and own up to volume 8. Hoping to finish these 3 that way I will be able to get the last 2 volumes. I love this series. It's so good. If you haven't read it yet I highly recommend it. However, it does contain some themes that aren't suitable for everyone.
Apart from these books I may try to tackle some single issue comic books. Other that that. These are my reading goals this week. What are your guys reading goals this week? :D Happy Reading!!
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