Tuesday Releases (5/12/15) #1

End of Days by Susan Ee
Summary: End of Days is the explosive conclusion to Susan Ee’s bestselling Penryn & the End of Days trilogy. (goodreads) - (didn't add a summary in case of spoilers)
This book is the conclusion to the Penryn & the End of Days trilogy. I can't wait to see where this journey ends. It was originally going to be a six book series. I hope that she was able to wrap up the story in this one book. I had hope to have more book in this series but I am just happy that we are going to be able to have a conclusion to this awesome story.
All I say about this book.

The Fangirl's Guide to the Galaxy: A Handbook for Girl Geeks by Sam Maggs
Summary: Fanfic, cosplay, cons, books, memes, podcasts, vlogs, OTPs and RPGs and MMOs and more—it’s never been a better time to be a girl geek. The Fangirl’s Guide to the Galaxy is the ultimate handbook for ladies living the nerdy life, a fun and feminist take on the often male-dominated world of geekdom. With delightful illustrations and an unabashed love for all the in(ternet)s and outs of geek culture, this book is packed with tips, playthroughs, and cheat codes for everything from starting an online fan community to planning a convention visit to supporting fellow female geeks in the wild. (goodreads)
This book is for my geeky heart. I can't wait to read this book. It seems like it has everything I ever want in a book. I have also heard so many amazing things about it. As a person that goes to a lot of conventions I haven't really seen books about them. Also, this book talks about podcast, fanfiction, memes, and just everything I am interested to see in a book. I can't wait to read this amazing book.
What books are you guys picking up today or this month?
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