TV Show | The Flash 1x13
Tittle: The Nuclear ManI loved how this episode started. It's quirky and fun. It does have it's serious moment but overall it has everything. The relationship between Joe and Barry is amazingly shown in every episode.Their bond grows and grows in every episode.
Director: Glen Winter
Writer: Andrew Kreisberg & Katherine Walczak
Aired: February 10, 2015
Summary: The team attempts to track Ronnie's whereabouts after he injures a scientist. Knowing that Dr. Martin Stein is in control of Ronnie's body, they use his wife to talk Stein/Ronnie into coming back to the lab for testing. Meanwhile, Joe enlists Cisco's help to identify who murdered Barry's mother. Cisco discovers an old mirror left in the former Allen home that captured images from the night of the murder, and Joe finds blood from two people behind some new wallpaper, one of whom was likely the killer. Joe asks Cisco to compare the blood to Dr. Wells', but Cisco refuses to believe Dr. Wells is involved. Dr. Wells discovers that Ronnie and Dr. Stein's atoms are in conflict, and if it continues they will become nuclear. Dr. Wells determines that the tachyon device recharging his speed could be converted to a quantum splicer to stabilize Ronnie's body and separate the two personalities. Dr. Snow uses the device; Ronnie's body still goes nuclear, but safely away from the city. The explosion alerts General Eiling, who orders a team to recover F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. Cisco runs the blood samples and informs Joe that while neither is from Dr. Wells, one is from an adult Barry.
In this episode we are shown more into the origin of F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. which was interesting to see. Although I did enjoy the episode it did have some issues with some part of the episode.
One major issue I had with this episode was Iris. I don't know what the writers are trying to do with her character but they are making me like her less and less in each episode. I feel that they are taking the same rode with Iris that they took in Arrow with Laurel. I like the characters in the beginning but then they just throw the character into a weird journey that I just wish they wrote them differently.
Don't get me wrong. They do write some great female characters (Felicity Smoak and Sara Lance in Arrow, Caitlin Snow in The Flash). I just feel that they need to get pass the love interest struggle journey. They need a different angle with that.
Apart from that rant I really liked the episode. We got more info on Ronnie and Dr. Martin Stein. Also, can we talk about the two reverse Flash out there right now, someone other than Dr. Wells. That is just insane. The episode as a whole was really enjoyable. I really enjoyed that they keep adding easter eggs during the whole episode for fans of the comic books.
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