Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Supernatural Re-Watch | Post #1: Intro

Reason Behind this re-watch.

I am excited to restart this journey with the Winchester boys. It has been years since I have invested and actually watched the show. I remember watching the show when it first aired a week before on the WB (yes back in the day when the CW was the WB) website even before it aired.  I was so excited. I was finally going to get another show about monsters and demons. Buffy the Vampire Slayer had been out of air for 2 years and Angel for 1 year (although I was more of a Buffy fan I still needed my supernatural/monster dose of the week so ended up watching Angel also). I needed a horror base show. As soon as it air it became a show I would watch week by week. Excited to see the monster of the week with the overall arc story. I was invested in the story and the online community was amazing. 

The reason I departure from Supernatural was not the fandom it self (although sometimes it can get a little too crazy and out of hand). It was because the story was originally plan as a 5 season arc. With the creator stating that it was the plan from the beginning. I felt that the network was just milking its success. Season 6 wasn't helpful at all. I had really mix feeling of that season. I didn't ended up completing it because I wasn't enjoying the story line. It wasn't something I loved. So decided to step away from the show. That way my fun memories of the show wouldn't be ruin. I have gone back and seen episodes here and there, but I haven't really followed the story line or know what is going on. 

Now 7 years later I have the desire to revisit the show once again. It's going to be a long journey to watch the show from the beginning to the current season, but it's something I hope I will enjoy. My mom started watching the show for the first time. I like talking to her about the show and her theories and how she enjoys it. It something that I didn't think she would like because it is horror. That is something she never understood or liked. She doesn't like horror but I LOVE it and now we both have a show that we both like that has those elements.

Also, the resent news of "Wayward Sisters" being a show, has me excited and interested to where they can take it. Seeing a show about female characters in that world is something different what I wold love to see. I am really looking forward to it and do hope it does get pick up.

Another factor for me wanting to take this journey is King Books (Alana). I have been following her for a while. I love her videos. But the only videos that I haven't been able to watch are her videos of her Supernatural reactions. For the reason that I don't really know what is going on in the show. But I have been seeing her videos about her love for Supernatural and her conventions visit that it really made me miss the fandom. The final straw was watching her reaction of the news of "Wayward Sister". Her excitement made me excited of the news and ultimately pushed me into wanting to begin this re-watch. 

So these are the reasons for starting my Supernatural re-watch and for majority of the episode to watch for the first time.  

I will be posting an episode reflection starting June 29 (this Thursday). I will be posting my reflection of the episodes every Tuesday and Thursday. Hoping to finish season 1 by September and then picking up season 2 in October.


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